Broken Read online

Page 12


  I’d missed him, and I don’t mean just from when I left the house earlier on. I’ve missed him since we were seated at the dining room table three days ago.

  While under the water, I turn and see him resting against the sink. He looks miserable, and I have no idea what to do. Finally, I let go of a sigh, “You just come up from the gym?” I ask. I want him in here with me. When he offers a nod, I say, “Get in then.”

  I want him to hold me, but at the same time, I’m still as mad as hell at him.

  Just seconds later, his arms come around me, his chin resting on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry, baby,” he whispers. My eyes close, but I don’t utter a single word. He then turns me until I’m facing him. “Please say something,” he begs.

  “What do you want me to say?” I sigh.

  There is no doubt in my mind, I can see in his eyes that he’s sorry and that he knows he fucked up, but what does he want me to do? Does he want me to forget everything and forgive him, just like that? Nope, I can’t do it. I won’t do it.

  “I want you to tell me you still love me.”

  His hand reaches up and cups my face.

  “Of course, I still love you, but that’s not the point,” but before I can say another word, his lips crash down onto mine. It takes everything I have to build up the courage and push him away, but eventually, I do force myself to pull back and when I do, he seems confused. “The doctor called, I got the all-clear.”

  “Me, too.” Thank god.

  His lips come back to mine. I try to resist, but the asshole still has my heart. My eyes are clenched shut, I’m fighting back the tears. “I’m still so fucking mad at you,” I tell him, my lips still against his.

  He moves back just an inch and rests his forehead against mine. “And you have every right to be. If I could take it all back, I would. I would go back and not be an asshole.” He presses his lips to mine. “I would talk to you.” He kisses my cheek, his hands skimming the lengths of my arms. “I would hold you and tell you that no matter what, I would be here with you. That I would love you forever.” My eyes betray me and I begin to cry. This was what I needed from him for the last three days, but it took me leaving for him to notice me. “Hey,” my eyes remain closed.

  Shaking my head, I say, “I can’t. I can’t do this.” It’s all too much. I pull out of his embrace, step out of the shower, and wrap a towel around me.

  When I’ve reached the bed, I take a seat on the edge. I don’t know how to feel right now. I’m sad, angry, devastated, and worst of all, lonely.

  I hear him come in, but my gaze stays focused on the carpet. The bed dips beside me. “Hayley, do you want to leave me?” he asks in a whisper.

  The tears continue to flow and I shake my head. I just don’t want to be the second or the third most important person in his life. One he thought would always accept his apology, no matter what the circumstance, but I’m not that person. I never will be.

  “Come on.” He takes my hand as he shifts up in bed. I don’t care that my hair is still sopping wet, I rest my head on the pillow so that we're lying face to face. He reaches up and wipes away my straying tears. “I really do love you, Hayley. I just really suck ass when it comes to stress and guilt. My not speaking with you, had nothing to do with you. I was riddled with guilt, guilt that I could have ruined what we have, that I could have been the reason you got sick.”

  “You fucking suck,” I close my eyes, trying to stop the tears. “You suck at this crap. You shut me out every chance you get. You would rather treat me like shit than talk to me. I don’t get it, I don’t get you. I thought we were a team. I thought that we would be able to turn to each other when things got rough, but instead, I have to deal with shit, alone.” Nope, keeping my eyes closed isn’t working. My sobs grow louder, and I curl up into a ball.

  He pulls me to him, and I let him. I need his warmth, his love, and protection. “Never will I shut you out. I know I’ve said it before, but, I cannot lose you. I need to pull my head out of my ass and stop trying to take on everything myself.” He leans in and kisses my shoulder. “I’m done. We worry about us until we're fixed. Until we're perfect again, and no one else gets a look in until then.”

  I raise my head to look at him. “Do you really want to fix us?” God, I hope he’s serious, I can’t keep doubting our future.

  His smile is faint, but it’s there. “I do, more than anything.” Then his lips are on mine, and this time, I melt into him.

  I slip my arm through his and take hold of his back, pulling him closer to me. Am I being stupid? Probably. But you can’t help who you fall in love with.


  My god, I cannot believe I stayed away from her. From the girl that loves me unconditionally. From the girl that completes me, and makes me want to be a better person.

  Her hair and skin are still wet from the shower, and there are still tears in her eyes. I need to get my shit together because if I don’t, she will leave me and I’ll be the only one to blame.

  My mission from this very moment forward is to make her feel loved and wanted. She tilts her head, giving me more access to her mouth and I take full advantage. She still has her towel on, and I leave it in place. She needs to be loved, not fucked.

  I continue to kiss her as I run my hand behind her back and pull her closer to me. I want to feel her warmth, I want and need to know that she still loves me.

  My lips move down to her neck, and my tongue sweeps over her skin. I hear her suck in a breath, before reaching up and pulling away the towel she’s wearing, giving me permission to lick and taste more of her. As I go to move lower, she stops me, and I pull back to meet her gaze. “What’s the matter? Do you want to stop?” Never would I push that boundary with her.

  She shakes her head, but there is no smile. Hayley reaches down and opens my towel, I lift just enough for her to pull it out and throw it to the side and she does the same with hers. She’s so beautiful. Why, why did I try to keep my distance? We can do this. We can make us work. I have to make us work.

  Her lips are now back on mine, and my hand skims her side as she moves closer to me. I make sure to take my time. I want her to know that I’m here, that I will always be here.

  I shift us until she’s laying on her back, my body hovering over hers, my eyes on hers. “I need you to know how much I love you,” I whisper.

  Her eyes well with tears. “Stop pushing me away. Please stop shutting me out because when you do, it feels like you’re giving up. That I’m not important enough to you.”

  My body collapses beside her, laying on my back, but I still have my arm under her neck, and I use it to bring her closer until her head is on my shoulder, her hand on my chest. “You are the only one that matters. I love my family, but you are my future. There is so much I need to work on. I’ve never been in a relationship, not properly, at least. No more secrets, no more keeping you at arm’s length. I couldn’t function without you. I love you, Hayley.”

  Her hand skims my chest. “I love you, too. But this shit must stop. I love you. That’s it. It’s both of us or nothing.”

  My stomach churns, and I shift to my side. “Both of us, I want and need both of us.”

  “Then it’s settled. You can stop being an asshole to me, and we can work on us.” She presses her lips to mine.

  “I love you, babe,” I whisper.

  “Love you, too.”

  Slowly I work her body, my lips move down to her neck, over her chest until I have her nipple between my teeth.


  My chest heaves when he gently bites down, one of his hands is on my hip bone. I wrap a leg around him, and he moves closer to me. All I want is for his lips to be on mine. “Baby,” I say.

  “Yeah?” his gaze meets mine.

  “Kiss me, please.” And that’s all it took. His body shifts until those lips are on mine. I let go of a sigh, I need him. I need him to need me too.

  My legs are now firmly wrapped around his wa
ist. He kisses me with such passion, and there is so much love was behind it. I'm left breathless when he slips inside me.

  He keeps kissing me as he moves. He moves in and out while I hold onto him.

  Chapter Seven


  For the next week, other than having to go to training, I spent all my time with Logan. We seemed happier, we appeared to be on the same page, and hopefully, we will go the distance.

  While we were having breakfast on a Saturday morning, Lucas comes barging into the room. “So, asshole. I’ve got the whole basketball team putting the banners and leaflets up at school tomorrow night. You in, or do you want to stay in the background?” he reaches over, he takes my spoon and has a bite of my yogurt that’s mixed in with granola.

  “Nope, this one is all you,” Logan answers as he takes my hand in his, lacing our fingers. He turns his head, and my eyes meet his. “I’ve got more important things to focus on, bro.”

  “Fair enough.” Lucas knows how rough things have been. He’d told me he wanted to punch Logan out after he'd been a dick to me, that he could somewhat understand why Logan was acting the way he was, but he also knew just how much I was hurting. “It’s going to be epic. BTW, Terrance is throwing a huge party tonight. You guys in?”

  Logan shakes his head. “Nope, I wanna lay low for a bit. I think it would be for the best, but call if something does happen.”

  Lucas takes another bite of my breakfast. “No problem.” The asshole drops the spoon, then reaches over and messes up my hair before leaving the room.

  “You’re a dick,” I say as I smooth it back down again. He doesn’t respond. “Anyway, I’ve got to go and do some laps, I’ve been so slack over the last couple of weeks.” I stand and pick up my bowl, but before I can move. Logan’s hand snakes around my waist, and he pulls me to him until I’m standing between his legs.

  “What would you like to do tonight?” he tugs me closer until I’m flush against him. He takes my bowl from my hand and places it back down on the table.

  “Not fussed, babe. I want to be with you, that’s it.” And I do. Sure, things are way better between him and me, but we still have a ways to go.

  His hands grab my ass, and he squeezes.

  “Me, too. Leave it with me, and I’ll figure something out.”

  “Okay.” I lean in wrapping my arms around his neck closing my mouth over his.

  LOGAN TOLD ME TO DRESS casually, so I did. It's still hot out, so I throw on a little white dress with a pair of white, Billabong flip-flops. “So where are we going?” I ask as we leave the house.

  Once we’re in the car, he turns the key and takes my hand in his free one. “I did some googling and found a nice quiet spot.”

  I rest my head back. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, babe.” He

  raises my hand and kisses it.

  THE SPOT HE CHOSE IS perfect. The field is green, surrounded by wild, bright, colorful flowers.

  When we exit the car, Logan opens the rear door and comes out with a blanket and a basket. This is my kind of date.

  He spreads out the blanket, and we lay down, my head is resting in his lap. “It’s so nice here.”

  “I had a feeling you’d like it.” I sit up just enough to get him to shift and lay down beside me until we’re face to face. “You know that the shit’s going to hit the fan on Monday?”

  My eyes close for a moment. “I know, but that bitch deserves everything that comes her way. She's taunted me for close to eight months. It’s her turn to suffer because I’m done being her victim.”

  His smile is wide. “My thoughts exactly.”

  We sit together, talking, and we have something to eat. He’d packed all of our favorites. Fresh baguettes, Havarti cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce. It's simple, yet perfect.

  When we've finished eating, we lay back down and make out until I wanted more, but I wasn’t going to do anything with him out in the open where anyone could see us. So I dragged him into the back of my car. Once the trunk was closed, I watched him come to me.

  “We have a perfectly good house and bed, but you don’t want to wait?” he chuckles. I shake my head. I want him now.

  Thank god the Escalade has a huge trunk, it made things a whole lot easier.

  When we’ve finished convulsing, he rests his head on my shoulder as we regain our breath. He turns his head, kissing me. “You want to head back to the house?”

  “Yeah. Let’s go home.”

  As we pull into the drive, I see what’s going on at our house, and I shake my head. “Lucas could have given us a heads up,” I tell Logan. The last thing I need is to have stupid drunken sluts giving me hell. The only difference tonight is that I will stand up for myself. Never again will I let a horrible click of teenage girls make me feel worthless.

  I have what they want.

  They all want a piece of Logan, what they can’t get through their dim-witted brains is that he isn’t interested in them. Never has Logan flirted or checked another girl out. When we're out at social gatherings, I’m

  the only person he sees.

  “I thought the party was at Terrance’s?” he asks as he pulls the car to a stop.

  “You know what your brother’s like. But if that slut Ashleigh is in there, then I’ll either punch her or go up to our room.” I think about it for a moment. “Fuck it, I’ve bailed you and Lucas out of lock-up a ton of times, it’s your turn to bail me out.”

  “It’s only fair,” he laughs.

  He reaches out taking my hand in his as we enter the house. “He’ll be out the back or in the kitchen.” I’m already receiving looks of hatred from the other girls. Unfortunately, it isn’t something you get used to, but it will not ruin my night. I won’t let it.

  As we enter the kitchen, I can hear Lucas’s voice. He’s yelling out his drink order. When he comes into view, I can see that he’s drunk. “Why is everyone here?” I ask.

  His head snaps up to look at us. Yep, he’s drunk, all right. “Hayley!” he exclaims as he comes around the bench, lifting me in his arms. “His parents came home for a surprise visit. The place got shut down. Man, you should have seen their faces. He’s fucked.”

  “Can you put me down now?”

  When my feet are firmly planted back down on the ground, I turn on my heels to tell Logan that I’m going to go upstairs to freshen up, but he’s already talking to Zac. Zac is one of the boy’s good friends. He’s the star linebacker for the school’s team. He’s huge but really good-looking, and most importantly, he’s not an asshole.

  With his brown hair, brown eyes, and not to mention his very well-toned body, it’s safe to say that he is rarely alone when it comes to the skanks we go to school with. I know Ashleigh tried to date him recently. She was bragging to others about Logan becoming jealous and wanting her back. Yeah right.

  As I head for the stairs, I received a feral look from one of Ashleigh’s followers. I think her name is Cassandra. Believe me when I tell you I tried to ignore it, but something in me snapped. “What the fuck is your problem?” I yell in her face. I hate her and her blonde hair, her legs that go on forever, and her stinking attitude. Bitch.

  The slut smiles sweetly. “I just thought that you look pathetic.” The bitch sneers.

  “I’m pathetic? You’re the two-bit hooker that kisses Ashleigh’s ass, and I’m pathetic?” I move even closer. “I’m not a follower like you. And while you’re in my house, you show some fucking respect, or I will haul your ass out by your hair. Got it.”

  “Your house? You stay here, and you think you live here. So sad.” The cow moves her gaze to her fingernails as if she bored.

  I lift my arm and grab her jaw, so she’s facing me. “I moved in, slut. This is my fucking house too. So, do you want me to beat you and then drag you out, or would you prefer that I just drag you out by your fucking hair?”

  Her eyes dart to something or someone behind me. “Aren’t you going to stop her?”

  Then I fee
l Logan’s hand rest on my hip. “No. You and your friends have fucked with my fiancé for far too long. It’s her turn to fuck with you.”

  Her reaction when Logan said fiancé, is amazing. She is now pale and looks as if she might be sick. I love it. Her mouth is now agape, and her hand went for her bag. That bitch can’t wait to get her phone. “Are you serious?” her brow arches.

  “More than ever. Now, get the fuck out of our house,” it comes out of him no louder than a whisper.

  My hand leaves her jaw, and I take a step back into Logan’s protective embrace. “Time to go, slut,” Lucas chirps as he takes Cassandra by the arm and leads her out through the front entrance.

  Logan then turns me until I’m facing him, his gaze meets mine. “You okay?” his features are filled with worry.

  Reaching up, I kiss him. “Absolutely fine. All I was trying to do was go to our room, but I’m done with these assholes looking at me the way they do just because I was the one to get you,” I smile, and so does he.

  “Come on, I want to change.” His mouth comes back down to mine, and then he leads me up the stairs to our bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  Logan takes a seat on the edge of the bed, but as I go to make my way over to the closet, he caught the hem on my dress and uses it to pull me into his lap, my legs wrap around him. “I’m so proud of you. Typically, you would have ignored Ashleigh’s followers. But you stood your ground.”

  I lean in and kiss him, I then pull back just enough to look into his eyes. “I told you, I was done. You are mine. You will always be mine.”

  He lets go of a manly groan and shifts, pulling my dress up over my head and throws it to the side. A moment later, my bra joins it on the ground. “Fuck, you’re so goddamn beautiful.” My mouth closes over his, my tongue sweeping across his.

  Once I have his shirt off, I push him onto his back, our lips still locked. Logan’s hands move up my sides until they cup my breasts. My breath holds as his fingers pinch, my nipples, he knows what that does. He knows that it makes me crazy for him.